Business Model
The GRON Business Model is designed to support the “Wealth Sharing Concept” within all their principal stakeholders. It provides an opportunity for any interested individual to participate and grow with the company.The model recognizes each individual contribution and provide a channe l for them to participate and grow together with the company. This is message behind our company Motto “GRowing ONline Together”.
There are a few programs designed to support GRON “Wealth Sharing Concept. The following are the details of the programs :
- Affiliate Partnership Program
- Vendor & Supplier Partnership Program
- Delivery Partnership Program
- GRON Employee Partnership Program
This Business model believes in sharing & growing together concept. It is not similar with the conventional business model which focus on capitalism and enriching the business communities such as the business owners, share holders or investors only.
This new business concept is designed to support each other as a community and enrich all parties such as the business community, individuals and the working community.
The current business model of enriching the business communities had failed to balance the economy and had created a huge gap between the business communities and the working communities. If this situation persists we would end up creating more poverty within our community. There is a high importance to priorities in ensuring, the prosperity in the community are balanced and are in smooth circulation.If let unchecked, this would results into economy issues such as high inflation, recession and finally to collapse of economy itself.
It is time to embrace changes and work together towards balancing the economy. Recognizing and appreciating each individual’s cont- ribution is important measure to balance the economy.
Economy Is The Core of Our Life
It is very important for us to get together and bring the order in the economy. We need to balance our economy to build a harmonious economy towards building a harmonious life. The goal is to bring in the harmony to our economy, our life and our community.
Life Community
This business model was designed by our founder together with our co-founder towards creating a balanced wealth-sharing business model. This is the base of the two (2) new Business and Living Concept, known as Balanced Economy Model (BEM) and Balanced Life Model (BLM} which to be published soon near the future.
With this new business model, we invite everyone to join in and support each other towards establishing this “Wealth Sharing Concept” journey.